Request a Review

Do you own a cafe or restaurant that sells fructose friendly foods that is located in Victoria?

Or have a great product suitable for sufferers of fructose malabsorption?

Would you like to increase your online presence with a review from Sandra at fructosefriendlyblog?

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  1. sandra,
    I dont own or have a cafe but you need to know about mamasita if you dont already! i too am a fructard ( a name one of my patients – equally fructarded- introduced to me). mamasita is amazing. has an allergy menu with pictures of the dishes where ingredients cant be removed. the whole menu is gluten free and the waiters are super understanding and will even come back to the table and double check if they think you have forgotten to remove an ingredient from a dish! the line can take up to an hour to traverse on a friday night, but the food is specktacular (even for someone that can eat everything). Hope you enjoy!

    1. Thanks Kate, I have heard of this place and now must check it out! P.s interesting word your patient termed!

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